Đặt câu với từ "gave notice|give notice"

1. Jim gave notice on Thursday.

2. If so when must you give notice.

3. Rose decided to give in her notice .

4. And not to give him advance notice.

5. His landlord gave him two months' notice to quit.

6. Didn't give me much notice when you quit.

7. The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy.

8. Does the Justice Department not give advance notice?

9. He finally took the plunge and gave in his notice.

10. You must give notice of changes in the arrangements.

11. You must give notice of changes in the arrangement.

12. She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.

13. Do I have to give notice if I want to move?

14. You have to give us a little bit of advance notice.

15. Why does Jesus not give advance time notice of his coming?

16. The teacher pegged a notice to a notice board.

17. Notice the numerous small projections that give your tongue a velvety feel.

18. In this event, the Engineer give notice to the Contractor accordingly. Sentencedict.com

19. Parents may therefore voluntarily agree to give notice before recovering their children.

20. Dozens of families on the estate have been give notice to quit .

21. My notice?

22. Angry worker tore the notice down from the notice board.

23. 6 The teacher pegged a notice to a notice board.

24. The courier pinned a notice on the hotel notice board.

25. The naughty boy tore down notice from a notice board.

26. Eviction notice?

27. For this purpose, the Committee shall give advance notice of its reporting schedules.

28. In 1988 the foster parents gave notice of their application to adopt the child.

29. A landlord must give reasonable notice of his intention to inspect the property.

30. 13 They give me the obituary notice to type out in the office.

31. 12 synonyms for Apprize: apprise, notify, send word, give notice, advise, apprise, instruct, revalue

32. 12 synonyms for Apprize: apprise, notify, send word, give notice, advise, apprise, instruct, revalue

33. 15 The contract notice was amended by a notice of 23 July 2007.

34. Nero AG may give notice of the cession to the debtors of the customer.

35. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.

36. Closed until further notice.

37. Notice this striking statement.”

38. to give employees who are required to work overtime adequate advance notice of this requirement.

39. Lady, he himself gave the order for you to be confined to the house until further notice.

40. On 29 December 1934, the Japanese government gave formal notice that it intended to terminate the treaty.

41. The Company to give notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement.

42. Hence, I give notice of the item for Co-ordinators and hope people may give some preliminary thought about it.

43. Advance notice – Commission hearings.

44. I saw your notice.

45. [ URGENT ] Check intranet notice

46. The employer who terminates the contract in accordance with previous paragraph shall give the seafarer notice.

47. Notice r is a constant.

48. Notice these other, smaller protuberances.

49. The notice intrigued many students.

50. Abutters Notice (PDF) Contact Us

51. (Clicking) Notice anything about it?

52. Did nobody notice the earring?

53. She pretended not to notice.

54. He pretended not to notice.

55. Accentuation: a special notice or …

56. You're grounded until further notice.

57. Didn't you notice our skin?

58. William, do you notice anything?

59. The guard simply didn't notice.

60. The notice was prominently displayed.

61. Greeting, welcome, notice, recognition, reception, hail, hailing, salute, salutation He smiled in Acknowledgement and gave her a bow.

62. · Give the competent authorities of other States advance notice of any new requirements concerning border checks.

63. Advise: To give an opinion or recommend a plan or course of action; to give notice; to encourage, inform, or acquaint

64. You get an eviction notice?

65. A simple wooden notice board.

66. You're home till further notice.

67. Sorry for the short notice.

68. Give information or notice to; "I advised him that the rent was due" Apprize (verb)

69. Within 20 days of the vote approving the merger or consolidation, the constituent company must give written notice of the approval to all dissentient shareholders who served a notice of objection.

70. In addition, the carrier must give a minimum of six months' advance notice before discontinuing the services

71. You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids.

72. A written notice to the client, entitled "Notice of Client's Right to Arbitrate (Form 1); ii.

73. NFA may provide any notice required by Bylaw 301 electronically unless written notice is specifically required

74. Announce definition, to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of: to Announce a special sale

75. Tenants must give written notice to the landlord of their intention to move out of the property.

76. A Corrigendum Notice is a notice to add or update the values for some of the items in a notice that is submitted earlier to Tenders Electronic Daily (TED)

77. We received an eviction notice today.

78. Notice the protrusion on the elbow .

79. He didn't notice it was missing?

80. The notice was written in crayon.